Measure C opponents must change ballot arguments — Archives

Measure C opponents must change ballot arguments

Napa Register Article

photo by Lowell Downey

photo by Lowell Downey

YES on Measure C was forced to take our opponents to court.

On Friday, April 6th, the Napa County Superior Court ordered that five objectively false and misleading statements from Measure C opponents’ official ballot arguments be removed from the ballot pamphlet and replaced. 

Per state law, the court can only approve changes to ballot arguments that have been shown to be objectively false and misleading.

“Voters deserve to know the truth about Measure C, and I felt I had to take a stand against the misinformation being pushed out by the No on C campaign,” said Napa County resident and grape grower Yeoryios C. Apallas, who filed the lawsuits that led to the court order.  “These misleading ballot arguments were signed by public officials like Supervisors Belia Ramos and Alfredo Pedroza and Planning Commissioner Jeri Gill. Because of the court’s order, taxpayers will not be forced to pay for the distribution of false statements that the Measure C’s opponents were attempting to pass off as factual.”

From the Napa Valley Register article:

"Under the settlement, several statements in argument and rebuttal submitted for the voter guide by opponents will be revised.

“I believe justice has been served and that the voters will see the shenanigans that have been going on behind the scenes,” Measure C co-author Mike Hackett said Friday. “Now they’re going to get a fair representation that’s been mandated by the court.”

Measure C would limit the cutting of oak woodlands to make room for new vineyards in the agricultural watershed zoning district that includes local hills. It would strengthen setbacks for streams."

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